Exercise, Food, Health, Research we Recommend, Supplements
Strengthening and balancing our body and Immune System, our only real defense against dis-ease! Here is our consolidation of the most helpful suggestions we have found.  GET ENOUGH SLEEP in a dark room (best for melatonin production) WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP often, for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer only if soap is not available. (Antibacterial gels can disrupt the natural healthy protective bacteria on your hands.) AVOID REFINED SUGARS (It can depress the immune system for hours).  Also avoid processed foods.  EAT ORGANIC vegetables and fruit (especially these 12 which have the highest pesticides,) meat, chicken, fish, eggs, raw nuts, seeds, whole grains, good fats (including organic butter), etc. For more info go to GET ADJUSTED!  It decreases stress on your nervous system, helping the…
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The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

Health, Medicine, Research we Recommend, Supplements, Uncategorized
With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts. According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot? Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When…
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The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

Health, Medicine, Research we Recommend, Supplements, Uncategorized
With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts. According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot? Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When…
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Food, Health, Medicine, Supplements
Supplements are just that – supplements to your diet. Do not replace good food choices with pills/potions. But with today’s industrialization, mass production, and urbanization, it is virtually impossible to get all that we need from our foods. Even the right food may not have the nutrition it was meant to have because of depleted soils, improper picking time for optimal nutrient content, poor growing conditions, etc. I consider the following to be basic essentials for supplementation: Multi-vitamin – the best is a vitamin that is from a “natural’ whole food source and has a wide selection of nutrients. You should have a multi-vitamin with a high amount of vitamin B (B12 , folic acid, B6), vitamin C and E (100iu mixed tcopherols –not dl-alpha), vitamin A (3000 iu), vitamin…
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Food, Health, Supplements
Nutrition (food, supplements, water, etc.) Rate your diet. Get as much of your nutrition as you can from the foods you eat. Limit Foods That Do Not Nourish: Stay away from high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives, MSG, and damaged fats (transfats, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils). Throw away “table salt” (it’s just Sodium Chloride). Replace With Health Giving Foods Make healthier choices. Healthy protein, healthy fats, non-starchy vegetables, high fiber starchy carbs, low glycemic fruit. Use Sea Salt (rich in minerals), possibly iodine enriched. Golden Rules: Eat within an hour of waking up. Eat every 4-5 hours (3 meals per day, restrict/phase out snacking. Stop eating 3 hours before bed. Eat real foods (foods that will spoil) as natural as possible              …
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