Sleep Better

Research we Recommend, Sleep, Uncategorized
A while ago we posted about getting your best sleep and we had some great tips for getting a better nights sleep, I'm going to reiterate a few of those. Don't eat or drink 2 hours before bedtime, your body will remain in active digestion mode and and you may get woken up earlier than you intended to go to the bathroom. Get adjusted! We have frequently found that getting stress off the nervous system helps a person relax better, especially with kids. Listen to white noise or relaxation CD’s before bed. Yoga can also help you relax and wind down before resting your head on the pillow. Avoid watching TV, playing video games, or surfing the internet before bed. If you have a TV in your bedroom take it out.…
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Websites to help you on the Road to Healthy Living

Exercise, Food, Health, Research we Recommend, Uncategorized
We have a few websites that we go to often as a reference for better living. We'd like to share those websites with you: Dr. Carr is a member of  the American Chiropractic Association. They bring the latest information  in Chiropractic  news and techniques. Their  website is filled with hundreds of articles to help patients in their quest for better health. Yoga Today is there to make the benefits of yoga accessible to everyone, everywhere, anytime.  Yoga brings health, happiness and a knowing of peace to the human body and spirit. Choosing yoga as a lifestyle in our accelerating, fast-paced world affords you the opportunity to slow down and reflect. Check out the yoga today website to watch their free weekly yoga workout and to see what else…
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The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

Health, Medicine, Research we Recommend, Supplements, Uncategorized
With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts. According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot? Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When…
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The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

Health, Medicine, Research we Recommend, Supplements, Uncategorized
With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts. According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot? Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When…
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Health, Supplements, Uncategorized
Fish is the best food source of Omega-3 fatty acids. But due to concerns about toxins such as mercury in certain types of fish; a purified fish oil supplement is the safest way to get your Omega-3s.Omega-3s are part of the essential fatty acids (or EFA’s) your body must have for good health. Our bodies don’t produce EFA’s naturally, so they must come from outside sources like the food you eat and the supplements you take.The most powerful Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are EPA and DHA. These two fatty acids work together, however each fatty acid has unique benefits. EPA reduces inflammation, improves cardiovascular and circulatory health, and is beneficial for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. DHA is crucial for brain, nerve, and eye cells, and benefits cognition,…
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