Supplements are just that – supplements to your diet.
Do not replace good food choices with pills/potions. But with today’s industrialization, mass production, and urbanization, it is virtually impossible to get all that we need from our foods. Even the right food may not have the nutrition it was meant to have because of depleted soils, improper picking time for optimal nutrient content, poor growing conditions, etc.
I consider the following to be basic essentials for supplementation:
Multi-vitamin – the best is a vitamin that is from a “natural’ whole food source and has a wide selection of nutrients. You should have a multi-vitamin with a high amount of vitamin B (B12 , folic acid, B6), vitamin C and E (100iu mixed tcopherols –not dl-alpha), vitamin A (3000 iu), vitamin D (800-2000iu’s) a day.
Digestive enzymes – these help you get the most of what is there, helping break foods down to nutrients our bodies can digest and cells can utilize.
Antioxidants – These protect our cells and tissues against damage from free radicals.
Essential Fatty Acids – Fish oils are great, but sources, and specific EPA/DHA ratios, need to be evaluated. Flax seed is also good, which I like taking in fresh ground up see form.
Probiotic – These help keep the “good bacteria” working for digestion and immune function.
Calcium – 500-1000mg and Magnesium (500mg) either together or in a comprehensive mineral or bone support formula.
We have a lot of information on supplements in our office and on our website. Please feel free to help us help you in your supplement choices.