
Health, Medicine, sacro occipital technique, SOT
Dr Carr continues takes many continuing education courses each year, these are a few of the techniques of care that he may use when giving you an adjustment. The Palmer Method Today, the chiropractic field is so widespread and accepted as a valid treatment that it may be hard to believe that chiropractic care was not even brought into the American mainstream until the late nineteenth century. This occurred when Doctor Daniel David Palmer set up the first-ever chiropractic practice, thus establishing the field. It was Dr. D. D. Palmer’s son, B. J. Palmer, who formulated the Palmer Method that was first taught in the Palmer School of Chiropractic (also established by D. D. Palmer), and that is still widely used today. Read More… Thompson Drop The Thompson Technique utilizes…
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Attitude and your Health

Attitude and your Health

Exercise, Health, Medicine
Your attitude determines your altitude. “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one” –Dr. Hans Selye.  You are, and you draw to yourself, your most dominant thoughts (the law of the Harvest/Attraction). What are you thinking and doing that bring events and people into your life? What lessons do you need to learn so you can move on? How can you de-stress? My Suggestions: 1. Pray/Meditate. Be at peace with yourself for at least 5 minutes per day. 2. Read inspirational books, scripture, novel, motivational readings etc. 3. Be active. Go to the gym, take a hike, enjoy nature, exercise, visit a “positive” person, serve/help someone, laugh, go on a ‘date’, hold hands with your sweetheart, do something artistic. 4. Do something fun at least…
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The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

Health, Medicine, Research we Recommend, Supplements, Uncategorized
With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts. According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot? Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When…
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The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

Health, Medicine, Research we Recommend, Supplements, Uncategorized
With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts. According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot? Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When…
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Food, Health, Medicine, Supplements
Supplements are just that – supplements to your diet. Do not replace good food choices with pills/potions. But with today’s industrialization, mass production, and urbanization, it is virtually impossible to get all that we need from our foods. Even the right food may not have the nutrition it was meant to have because of depleted soils, improper picking time for optimal nutrient content, poor growing conditions, etc. I consider the following to be basic essentials for supplementation: Multi-vitamin – the best is a vitamin that is from a “natural’ whole food source and has a wide selection of nutrients. You should have a multi-vitamin with a high amount of vitamin B (B12 , folic acid, B6), vitamin C and E (100iu mixed tcopherols –not dl-alpha), vitamin A (3000 iu), vitamin…
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