The Flu Shot vs. Vitamin D

With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts.

According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot?
Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When it comes to fighting the flu this is what Vitamin D can do according to an article entitled Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Infection; October 2007. The cold and influenza season corresponds to the season of vitamin D insufficiency. Over a 3-year period a study was done that showed that taking 800ius of vitamin D reduced the incidence of colds and flues by 70% (about the same as the flu shot). Taking 2,000ius of vitamin D reduced the incidence of colds and flues by 99.91%.

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The Vitamin D we carry in our office has 2,000ius of  Vitamin D per capsule, there are 250 capsules per bottle and each bottle is only $10.00. This supply will last 8 ½ months.

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With the upcoming cold and flu season fast approaching, there is an increased amount of talk about the need to get a flu shot. Before you get one, you may want to consider the following facts.

According to a CDC report the flu shot on average is 70% effective. Those odds seem pretty good if you are worried about getting the flu. The flu shot does have some downsides; there are the possible side effects and the adverse ingredients in the shot that can be harmful to your health and wellbeing. So, what if there was a better, all natural choice to the flu shot?
Over the last ten years there have been a vast amount of studies done about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system. When it comes to fighting the flu this is what Vitamin D can do according to an article entitled Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Infection; October 2007. The cold and influenza season corresponds to the season of vitamin D insufficiency. Over a 3-year period a study was done that showed that taking 800ius of vitamin D reduced the incidence of colds and flues by 70% (about the same as the flu shot). Taking 2,000ius of vitamin D reduced the incidence of colds and flues by 99.91%.

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The Vitamin D we carry in our office has 2,000ius of  Vitamin D per capsule, there are 250 capsules per bottle and each bottle is only $10.00. This supply will last 8 ½ months.

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